My biggest tip to anyone starting stitching would have to be always take loads of photo's. I have done this for years but there are some projects I have no lasting memento of. Most of my stitchings end up as gifts etc so the photos are all that's left at the end to say I stitched that!

I have 2 albums with cross stitch and craft photos in but they don't really get out apart from when I try to show them to some poor relative or other visitor who hasn't really got any interest and just says that's nice. But this has led me to start up this blog not knowing if anyone would really read any of my stitching babble. And to my amazement and joy I have found a whole other world how exciting!!!!(not that my hubby is enjoying my new computer hogging habits)
The other reason photos are a must is that some projects you just don't get any sense of actually how well they are coming along from always being so close up. So when you take a photo it gives you a little bit of distance and the progress you are making stands out more. I do this mostly on those photo real pixaled type projects! They are a real love hate they look amazing when finished but the jumble of colours and pixalation just frustrates the hell out of me and you can't see or imagine that any kind of picture is going to ever emerge!! But one little snap and its like a different project. I think there are a few I've done that if I hadn't been photographing they would have become those dreaded ever lurking in the stitch stash UFO's (thanks for the lingo
I'll be sure to go through my back catalogue over time cos behind every photo there's always a story!
Keep stitching
I love taking pics of my stitching. It's such a great way to document and look back on with fond memories. Of course, I LOOOOOVE seeing other stitchers' WIPs. :D