The start was as good as I have been doing I finished framing the Thimble Fairy.
I do love the detailing on it. I can't stop looking at her. One of my favourite finishes for a long time. I just need to decide where to hang her.
I finished another Mill Hill kit Snow Crystals Aqua.
Love the sparkle and think it's going to be a great addition to my hopefully growing pile of Christmas Ornies for next Christmas. So far so good.
I finished my rotation on the gingerbread houses.

I now have all the walls made up and laced onto the plastic pieces. I'm on with the roof and then it will be a construction job. So hopefully next rotation on this I might have a completed house.
THEN the stash gremlin struck.
I was itching to get more done so had got Tapestry Cat out for its next rotation. Going to fill in my blog when I had a minute. I then discovered....
I'm missing threads!!!!!!
Over the years I have raided this box for the colours I have needed for other projects. So yep I know it's my own fault really. Fair enough I need to go through and check off what I have and what I need to order but I know I need at least a handful. OK so I'll leave this for now and come back to it when I have cash and time to sort an order for threads.
I have been enjoying a few of the facebook groups to do with stitching talking to everyone on there and seeing all the work. I recently found one for Joan Elliot's designs and I found that she has designed some dream catcher ones that I have stitched and I suddenly remembered I have had this in my stash as a UFO for years. It's one of Joan's I never realised and so in lieu of Tapestry Cat going back into UFO lurking, I thought perfect I'll be good not open anything new and finish this off.
And then It struck again. After a very slow start on it due to dreaded teething of both boys, meaning a stitch at a time. This resulted in a few frogging attacks as I'd come back and started in the wrong place.
I found the gremlin has stole the dark green!!!!!
Last night I was tearing my hair out. This box I wouldn't have raided for colours as it's from a kit. The bobbins I have made and labelled with the colour and symbol. WHY? I have no idea why it wouldn't be there. I ave stitched the colour on it already so it was there to start and I haven't got an empty card. I was sick as a chip last night.
I have after a long search found the DMC colour match for it but even that wasn't in the thread boxes.
So I'm hoing that when I sit down tonight I'm not going to have any more visits from this gremlin and it's gone back to hiding small people's socks. I can handle that lol
I did in the meantime, finish one of the three reindeer cards from a crossstitcher kit.
Keep stitching....
Sorry about the gremlin attack but thanks for the smiles.
The fairy looks great in her frame. Those naughty gremlins:)
ReplyDeleteWow sounds like a interesting evening. It can only get better from there:-)
ReplyDeleteWe all get moments like yours, I do like your WIP's
ReplyDeleteWow those gremlins seem to have taken a real liking to your stash. I hope they are gone for good now and you can get on with stitching what you enjoy.
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I hope the gremlin has well and truly vanished by now as I am so late getting to this post!