Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Sarah Kay update

I might not have a finish yet but this rotation has gone really fast. So fast in fact I've not got much else to waffle about other than that this is the  progress on Sarah Kay.


And now:

Have to say I've been enjoying stitching this one more than I was before. There is the toys in the chest to finish, a parcel under that, flowers up the other side and the girl to finish.

So it's coming along nicely. Hopefully this pace can keep up and I might be nearing a finish on something, which would be nice.

Was tempted when I got my new copy of cross stitched which has a nice whale in a bottle to stitch it for my eldest seen as he's mad on fish, whales and sharks. He's wearing me and hubby down on getting him a goldfish...I've been looking at toy aquariums but like hubby says not really a substitute.

Keep stitching...