The weather has still been hot and sunny only a few storms. I think this year us brits can't be moaning we've not had a summer.
Firstly on with the stitching. I've finished a rotation on Sarah Kay.
And now:
Decent progress and its a nice summery picture to have been stitching this last week. I have been enjoying it more than I have on previous rotations so maybe it's grown on me.
This weekend was Sunderland international air show with it being on the doorstep and free...well apart from all the stalls, games, food vans etc, so it'd be rude not too. It was it's 25th anniversary. I remember going to airshows as a little un, I got Vincent far to excited telling him from the Friday we were going to see the aeroplanes and on Saturday as soon as he was dressed he was at the door asking for the keys, flying didn't start for it until 1pm but the boys really enjoyed it.

Vincent is having a language explosion this last week, full sentences, he's now babbling on about aeroplanes and we went to a museum in Newcastle to see some lifesize inflatable whales, dolphins and sharks. Vincent is big into fish at the moment and now has learnt loads of marine words.... I was so proud when he actually told grandma he saw a whale. It was also the first time Henry has been out of the pram on his reins, he thought he was amazing being a big boy. People aren't kidding when they say they grow so fast.
I had applied to be a stitched for Crossstitchermagazine but I wasn't successful. However the letter they sent with my returned stitching was nice mentioning my neatness in my work.
I also received prize for having my letter printed. How nice was it to receive this in the post...drool. all the most beautiful variegated colours. I do have an idea that they would be perfect for but I am trying to stay focused...yeah right...bets on showing before I crack lol
I got some time when hubby took the boys out to work on my memory angels.
They now are fully stitched and the clothes have been cut out from grandma's clothes. They are just pinned but they look amazing so far.
I have one for me, one for my dad and one for my sister and the red one will be a Christmas one.
For mine I had been given a little hat grandma had is she used to love wearing the same type of hat all the time so makes a perfect addition for my memory Angel.
I also realised that the clip on earrings she had loads of make brilliant brooches for them too.
I just need to get some sewing machine time to fix the clothes together and get the wings sorted. Then its just hair and face. They also have hold of items in the book they are from. So I'm thinking a roses for most of them and probably stitch a pillow with Noel on it for the Christmas one...Grandma used to sing that all year long.
So all in all I'm rather pleased with all my stitching progress and non stitching progress too. I've even managed to be collecting plenty on my thimbles. So I've got that blog to be updating too. And on with the next rotation.
Keep Stitching....