Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Busy, Baby Hearts and Buttons

I've been full of busy recently you wouldn't believe but I've still got plenty to show. Stash additions, side project and a rotation finish!!

Amongst other things we've had my son's 2nd birthday to sort for, he had a little party on Saturday which took plenty of prep and my friend's little girl got baptised and i was godmother which was lovely but still a lot of sorting for. And to top it all off the week leading up to this we all came down with a flu, both little fellas loaded feeling sorry for themselves and sticky eyes and up to the elbows in snot safe to say its not been pretty.

However on the stitching front I've still managed to achieve a lot!

Firstly hubby found another Cross stitch book in the charity shop at first I thought it was one I had but it just looks similar I think.
It has loads great designs but I do love this one from the Wizard of Oz. Always loved the Wizard of Oz. And this is such a cute design....add it to the stitch list lol
I've also completed another 10 hours on Cinnamon Cat Baby Hearts.
Here it is from before:
And now:

Liking the contrasts of colours on this one. I'm going to crack on with another 10 hours on this one. I need to make sure its ready for the arrival in May. And also with all the goings on and the fact that I'm now starting to loose my voice and feel sorry for myself too I haven't had chance to change my box over to the next project.

I did also have an attempt at a necklace with all those lovely buttons I got from my husband's Grandmother. I was rather pleased with myself.

It took a bit of rearranging once on and was quite heavy due to the size of some of the buttons.

However....I wore this then to the Christening I mentioned and my youngest took a shine to it straight away... he's 6 months now and at that grab at anything stage. So a few swings and yanks off him and a boatload of buttons spilled onto the church floor. I did manage to scoop them all up, I think, and found one later in baby Henry's vest...how he got it in there I'll never know. I need to have a good look but I think it will have been my fastening of the filament onto the fastener not being strong enough. But first go and I hadn't factored in the childproofing....doh!

Keep stitching...