Thursday, 7 February 2013

Baby Hearts

I've done another rotation! Feels so good to be back on track, fingers crossed this is the way forward :)

I've done my 10 hours on Baby Hearts Sampler. It'll be a gift for my in laws who are expecting their second baby. My nephew is due in May, so should be plenty of time to get it done.
I'm so pleased it's stitching up pretty quick this is the middle heart completed

Here's the full design from the packet.
 I also got round to ordering the scissors I wanted for Christmas and a smaller plastic snap frame so that I can tailor the frame to better fit something like this baby hearts and for smaller designs. I'm so glad I came over to these type of frames they are so much nicer to use.
 I'm also on the look out for a few charts....firstly if any of you can help. I have this elephant and I love him a lot, he was a gift from a stall owner who my mother was buying painted leaves from. He's supposed to keep evil from your home if you keep him facing the door as elephant's won't let anything past they don't want to. Whether it works or not is one thing but I have to say the notion always captivated me as a young girl. I've looked a lot but not been able to find anything similar to stitch. I've always thought it would be a nice stitch.
The other chart I'm thinking of looking for is a nice old world map one with a kind of here be dragons kind of feel ....I've yet to have a look about but if anyone has seen anything like these and can point me in the direction I would be very grateful.

I'm off now to pick up the next rotation piece and off we go again. Loving the new routine :) Happy Happy Stitcher!

Keep stitching....


  1. Your of to a great start on your chart:)

  2. Love your hearts, so dainty. I also mix and match the plastic frames to fit my work, they are great, hope you find your elephant, have you searched on google images, I often find patterns that way
